Welcome to Leon’s Travels

First Travel Blog!

My very first travel blog post, I wanted to do for my next journey coming up in 2024! I am excited to get this blog rolling and write my shared experiences with every one of my travel readers and non-travelers

As someone who has written a tech blog for a couple of years now. I wanted to start writing again this time creating a new blog for travel readers and what I can share from my past and current travel experiences with you guys. This year 2024, it is time I can change up! I wanted to get around to doing what I like… which is to travel more! PLUS!, The wonderful Tips & Tricks I’ll be sharing here in this blog.

Why did I start Leon’s Travels?
To clearly explain why I started this blog is… one! I always had wanderlust to travel more this year and beyond. I always like to write about my experience to everyone. I know images speak more than words I’ll ever try to explain!

Why did I start writing about Travel?
I’ve traveled back and forth for a long, long time domestically for a long time and in three countries I’ve been to Canada, Germany, and the Dominican Republic!

Where Do I want to go this year 2024?
For this year, I do want to travel and make my way over to Spain, which is my top country I’ve been following up since last year, just the beauty and its finest history is what attracted me to travel to Spain. As far as my plans go, I won’t reveal too much now.

For now, I’m ready to start my travel blogging journey I hope I can take everyone on the start of my journey moving forward!!!!

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